Happy? OK? Sad?

I’m all three at the moment. Happy that I’ve finally got around to updating this blog, OK about being back in the UK and sad that it’s so cold. So, let’s deal with the first two in one go – I’ve not updated this blog for a while because I was out of action for nearly a month on an amazing trip around the world and the build up to the trip was a bit frantic, trying to fulfil commitments and keep my clients happy. I’m OK about being back, home is where the heart is after all, apparently. When I left the UK, it was kind of Autumn and Christmas wasn’t really in evidence anywhere. I arrive back and land in a winter wonderland. Sad really as I’m not really ready.

The image above is from a large campaign Soft Octopus was recently commissioned to devise/design for the Warrington area. There’s a lot of materials; posters, leaflets, cards, outside advertising etc. and a website too that you can see here: www.happyoksad.org.uk. I was given quite a blank canvas to work with which can be liberating and frustrating at the same time as one can come up with a lot of ideas that vary massively in terms of content and style but the client has the ultimate choice. With this campaign I was working with a good team who were great at helping steer the concepts so we all ended up happy with the end results.

If you are in the Warrington area you will no doubt have seen this mental health awareness campaign which is running into the new year. Another thing to be happy about.