
With our wiggly tentacles in many places, it’s interesting to reflect on what’s happening on the open seas of creativity. Check out our blog for musings and observations on design related matters and connect with us in the comments.

It’s in the bag

I was with clients in Brighton recently and noticed that a product of theirs was packaged up rather inelegantly. They expect me to poke around their office, making suggestions, so welcomed my sudden excitement at how this could be done so much better. Within days, the design was done and with the help of two creative chums;...

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Habitat is a retailer of household furnishings in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, and has franchised outlets in other countries. It was founded in 1964 by Terence Conran and has always been one of my favourite stores. Sadly, its days are numbered as it falls victim to the recession....

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